“Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.” Psalm 43:5 KJV. Ever wondered, why the Psalmist (David) repeated this statement simultaneously within two chapters of the book of Psalms 43:5 and 42:5-6; 11? In Joshua 1:8, the bible enjoins us to meditate on God’s word, night, and day. So, my first reaction when l encountered these verses, was to mull it over. Let us breakdown three fundamental areas of these verses:
1. Why art thou cast down, O my soul? This question was repeated thrice in the space of two chapters. Obviously David was in a terrible state and having to question himself and constantly ask why his soul is cast down. Like David, when faced with trials and tribulations our reaction is very similar. As he expresses, this was a moment of outcry from his soul, being displeased with his present situation. His appearance must have been shattered! He would have lost his bright and healthy countenance. We, like David most times easily forget the salvation and deliverance of God. We focus on the situation rather than on the promises of God and His abiding presence even in times of trouble. Here, is, something reflect on.
2. Why art thou disquieted within me? The state of being disquieted, is an emotion that is a common trait when overwhelmed with life troubles. This emotion takes refuge and becomes co-tenants with our inner being. We become dumb before God and man. We focus on the issues and take our eyes away from the Author of life. We are withdrawn and deprived of joy amidst the trials. This verse applies when we are distracted, fearful or worried by some troublesome news. We need to find strength to be quiet by opening God’s word and receiving grace to be still in His presence. Have you paused lately, to recall and recount your past victories? A good flashback can provide a better perspective. Beloved, l encourage you to “rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12 ESV. No matter what situation l am in right now or in the future, l will rejoice because it is God’s expectation of me. l will praise Him for He is the health of my countenance.Remember only the living can praise Him, those who go to the grave cannot. Psalm 150 vs 6, says “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!”. As long as l have breath within, l will praise Him because He is the health of my countenance, even when we do not understand it. God’s ways are higher and better than ours.
3. Hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health (Help) of my countenance, and my God: So, friend here is an affirmation by David to hope in God, no matter our circumstances. God gives the fluid and the energy to continue in spite of the happenings around us. We forge ahead and do not hold or look back. Our present state should not erode our countenance nor our expectations of who we are and where we should be in Christ. No matter your situation, like the David, hope in God and declare God is the health and the help of my countenance. I do not look like what l am going through because my God is the health of my countenance. I may not have received answers to my present prayers, but l am confident, that He is the help of my countenance. Be reminded that your present state is an answered prayer from the past. People may not know the story behind the journey, but God is the health and help of my countenance.
Therefore, friends, we will not be weary nor disquieted. We will arise from the ashes, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, He is still the health and help of our countenance. We rejoice in the God of our salvation. Weeping may endure through the night, but joy comes in the morning. There shall be light and it will end in praise.
I repeat like the Psalmist, the Lord is the health and the help of my countenance. Shalom ✝️ #Health #Countenance #Help #Still
Great read! Thanks for the word ma