Whether you are ending a prolonged fast or breaking your fasting period for a day of time restricted feeding. What you eat post-fast can have an impact on the benefits you receive from the fasting, how you feel after a fast, how your body responds that first meal. Ideally we want to choose items that have protein, low in carbs, that are easy on the digestive tract and some healthy fats.
Here are 10 essential items to stock your kitchen with to help build the optimal post-fast treat:
Hard boiled eggs
Canned sardines or salmon
Baby Carrots
Olives 🫒
Avocados 🥑
Bone broth
Breaking your fast should be easy, but it’s often tempting to binge on junk food after a period of abstaining.
Culled from Zero
Click link for complete article. https://go.zerofasting.com/s/Nvta9xj1mGsRGDBd7
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